Refugees in Tigray dressed up to stage “Eritreans cutting breasts” – Report by AwasaGurdian

As Tigrayan militia men were “preparing to film a scene” staging Eritrean soldiers mutilating women’s breasts, the refugee hostages who became actors forced to dressed up in Eritrean army uniform,…

Ethiopia’s Government and the TPLF Leadership Are Not Morally Equivalent By Hailemariam Desalegn

The leaders of the Tigray People’s Liberation Front are seeking to manipulate the international community into backing a power-sharing deal that grants it impunity for past crimes and gives it…

Video evidence of Fabricated Axum Massacre

Clear contradiction of evidences that proves the Amnesty Report in Axum is flawed!

TPLF Strategies of deceit, a reminder by Ivo Strecker

Preamble The repercussions of the military conflict that erupted on the 4th of November 2020 between the Tigray Peoples’ Liberation Front (TPLF) and the Ethiopian National Defense Force in Tigray Region…

How Misinformation Is Fuelling Diplomatic Tensions In Ethiopia by Desta Heliso

(OPINION) In the current crisis in northern Ethiopia, religion is used as a tool to misinform the international community. The resulting diplomatic tensions are endangering not just the future of…

On the Impartiality of Daniel Bekele and the Ethiopian Human Rights Commission By: Naomi Tesfai

Since Amnesty International and Human Rights Watch released their reports regarding the alleged Axum Massacre, there has been widespread concern from many Eritrean and Ethiopian communities as to the investigative…

The Atlantic Community mistake on Ethiopia: Counter-productive Statements and data-poor policy of the EU and the USA on the Tigray conflict

by Jon Abbink African Studies Centre Leiden The Netherlands Leiden University ASC Working Paper 150 / 2021

The Demise of the TPLF Junta: Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust

By: Senait Hadera Since the launch of TPLF’s suicidal misadventure five months ago, citizens of the Horn of Africa region are observing with incredulity two intertwined reactions from some personalities, states,…

Joint Statement by the Eritrean-Scandinavian Communities in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland

Irresponsible reporting by Amnesty International on Eritrea in the conflict in Ethiopia Joint Statement by the Eritrean-Scandinavian community in Sweden, Norway, Denmark and Finland. We refer to Amnesty International’s report…

Horn of Africa Endangered by Untrue Media Attacks on Ethiopia

Horn of Africa Endangered by Untrue Media Attacks on Ethiopia Lawrence Freeman February 4, 2021 In January 2021, the world witnessed a barrage of attacks on Ethiopia aimed at undermining…