Wrong PROBA report on Eritrea in Norway

Lately I learned that many politicians in Norway base their understanding and arguments about Eritrea on the PROBA Report “Press og Kontroll”. I briefly browsed through the report and found…

President Isaias Afwerki 1992 letter to UN’s Boutros Boutros-Ghali on Eritrea’s Independence

22 September, 1992 H.E. Boutros Boutros-Ghali Secretary General United Nations Dear Mr. Secretary General, I wish to apologize at the outset for compounding your job by sending this second letter…

The March of Folly – Re-enacted: Alemseged Tesfai


Fredlig demonstration av det svenska, eritreanska samfundet i syfte att upprätthålla våra rättigheter och säkerställa säkerhet

Bästa regering och riksdag

Peaceful Demonstration by the Swedish Eritrean Community – Upholding Our Rights and Ensuring Safety


Why are violent attacks against Eritrean Communities in Western Countries (inc. Israel) happening now?

TPLF failed miserably to annihilate Eritrea for the past 25 years with the help of its western sponsors. Instead, TPLF got decimated militarily, politically, diplomatically…and TPLF’s agents are lashing out…

Does a Green Party [Germany] manage the account of the anti-Eritrea terrorist group?

Since July there have been violent riots against Eritrea festivals in several countries. A pattern emerges. Now a suspicion falls on Gießen’s green city councilor Klaus-Dieter Grothe: Did he even…

Africa Day 2023 Sweden

In Pictures

Harassment of Eritrean Community by Swedish Liberal Party – Åsa Nilsson-Söderström

The Eritrean Communities around Sweden just celebrated their National Independence Day in May 2023 in more than 40 cities including Stockholm, Göteborg, Umeå, Jönköping… in a most spectacular display of…

When the past becomes the present! Part II

When the past becomes the present!A brief account of an eighty-year history of Eritrean resilience and unremitting Western conspiracy ! Part IIEritreans had put up a sustained resistance against Italian…