TPLF militia forced Refugees wear Eritrean Army Uniform, gave knives, ask them to cut women breasts to stage a fake scene

In what can be termed as a most damning account, the Polish Anthropologist Natalia Paszkiewicz, who has a long time association with the Eritrean Refugees trapped in the crossfire in Tigray region of Ethiopia, has reported harrowing testimony from the refugees in the ground.

She reports a group of [Eritrean] refugees who were fleeing the Hitsats camp were attacked by [TPLF] militia on the night of 5/6 December who were in a group of 40 were apprehended by armed men & women and were forced to were Eritrean army uniforms, and proceeded to give them knives and instructed them to cut breasts of women from their group.

The [TPLF] militia men prepared to film the scene and certainly send it to large media organisations such as CNN, BBC, Aljazeera, and so on.. who are continually airing similar videos without verifying the veracity of the content.

Ms Paszkiewicz, continues ‘ an elderly refugees suddenly started to fight the militia men and the group of refugee took the opportunity to run free and in a process many got shot dead and the young man who I spoke was shot and wounded in his hand’.

The young man who gave the testimony to Ms Paszkiewicz, took off the Eritrean Army uniform that he was forced to wear and managed to get some clothes from dead people along the road and nursed his wounds using some torn-up T-shirts.

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